Public Interest Registry celebra registo de 9 milhões de Domínios .ORG

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A The Public Interest Registry (PIR) festejou o registo de 9 milhões de domínios sobe o Top Level Domain .ORG, tendo este posicionado-se como o terceiro gTLD mais utilizado em todo o mundo.

O registo de domínios .org teve um crescimento de cerca de 10,3% em 2010 e de acordo com o relatório bi-anual da Registry, em 2005 apenas existiam 3.9 milhões de domínios .org.

“Atingir a marca de 9 milhões de domínios é um testemunho para a reputação dos .ORG’s e do seu impacto na comunidade da Internet” disse Brian Cute, CEO da .ORG, The Public Interest Registry.

Poderá verificar abaixo o Press Release oficial da Public Interest Registry disponibilizado também no seu site (.ORG, PIR Celebrates 9 Million Registrations).

RESTON, Va. (MARCH 2, 2011) – .ORG, The Public Interest Registry (PIR) is pleased to announce that .ORG is now home to over 9 million domain name registrations. With a growth of 10.3 percent in 2010 – the domain continues to be trusted and embraced, making it the world’s third largest generic Top Level Domain (gTLD). .ORG has significantly increased its domains under management (DUM) in the last five years; up from just 3.9 million in 2005 according to the organization’s recently published bi-annual “Dashboard” report.

“Hitting the 9 million registration mark is a testament to both .ORG’s reputation and its impact within the Internet community,” said Brian Cute, CEO of .ORG, The Public Interest Registry. “.ORG remains a community-driven platform and has become the domain of choice for organizations, individuals, and companies to channel their passion toward a shared purpose with their community.”

This unparalleled growth is due in large part to key accomplishments achieved since .ORG’s inception in 1985. In the decades following the first .ORG registration –, the domain has become the trusted domain of choice for a vast range of non-profits, associations, international corporations involved in cause marketing, open source software developers, and arts communities. As one of the original top-level domains, .ORG’s true power lies in its ability to generate interaction and conveys trust. For the past 25 years, .ORG has reshaped the online world by advancing knowledge, creating opportunities, driving conversations, and most importantly, building online communities.

Poderá encontrar os últimos relatórios Dashboard aqui. Caso pretenda registar o seu domínio .ORG, poderá fazê-lo junto da WebTuga. Clique aqui para verificar o domínio que pretende registar está disponível em na extensão .org.

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